
Dear Friends and Family,

Spring arrives and daffodils are poking out from the still hard ground. Winter’s dreams and plans get put into action. And, bright ideas come to life. Again and again, the cycle of creation, perpetuation and transformation occurs.

I have wanted my own small studio and office for some time. Like the early spring flowers, the conditions for it to come into being had to arrive. Now, just in time for the inevitable change in seasons, a space that fits my needs became available and I look forward to sharing it with others.

Yoga focuses on the cycles of manifestation as well as the eventual ceasing of manifestation. In Samkya, a philosophy that underpins much of yoga, there is a dualistic concept of Purusa, pure witnessing consciousness and Prakriti, all matter. Matter, or Prakriti, in its first iteration takes the form of some combination of three gunas, or qualities of nature. Tamas, which is dark and sedentary, rajas, which is energetic and passionate and sattva which is illuminating and pure. Every object and idea we generate is made up of some changing combination of these three qualities.

One way progress can be measured in a yoga practice is by how sattvic, peaceful and harmonious it becomes.

Over the years I’ve been involved in several new or reimagined businesses. The process of creation is, like spring, very rajasic, vibrant and bursting with enthusiasm. For BopperYoga, I’d like a little more sattva in the mix and I'm taking some time to find a good recipe.

How many classes? What will rental fees be? What kind of workshops will I offer? Everything needs to be thought out. A new website needs to be created, along with scheduling software and signage. But, the rooms are painted and insurance has been issued so we can open...softly.

In April, together we will figure out some good times for classes and I expect the studio to be fully operational in September. Below is a list of APRIL LIVE CLASSES. I will also offer Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning Zoom classes and of course continue to teach the wonderful folks at Columbia Grammar and Prep on Tuesday afternoons.

At first, live class size will be limited to 6 students. Classes will be $25 and I should have a link for reservations and payment up next week. If you know now, what classes you want to attend, please send me an email at BopperYoga is located at 441 West End Avenue, Suite 1G. The cross street is 81st. Ropes aren't in yet but mats, blocks, chairs and bolsters are waiting for you!

The author of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a medieval yoga text, frequently urges the yoga student to go forward “slowly, slowly.” Emphasizing the necessity for considered progress. Who am I to argue with a practice that has evolved over 5,000 years and given me so much?

Thank you for being part of this experiment.

With lots of love,



Pebble in my Shoe


Faith Going Forward